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Showing posts from October, 2010

of final exam and FYP

life is crazy.i don't have time to write anything here. want to wish everyone good luck for final exams.good luck with that "lovely" research thingy and all the best in whatever things that you guys are up to may Allah protect us.


hello people alhamdulillah i'm officially 21 years old yesterday.i wasn't expecting any surprise birthday party or celebration because everyone is busy with their research and hospital and etc.but thanks to everyone for a great party last night.seriously i'll never forget it.such a great party before i celebrate my birthday alone next year.i just wish every day is my birthday so i can have all my friends laughing together eat together.but birthday celebration here definitely is not the same as the one that we did back in MOZAC.situations are different but the feelings are still the same.thanks a lot friends. currently finished my 2nd week of attachment for this semester.the first one at HTAR for CDR department and 2nd week at HSB for TPN week will be again HSB for TDM department.but i still love the the case.but TPN is not that bad.manage to visit premature baby at NICU.learn how to calculate and next week don't know what is waiti...