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Showing posts from December, 2009

two weeks of holiday

hello there i've finished my retail practical and try to enjoy the rest of my holiday.uitm postponed our class so another week of holiday means yeaay!!a lot of things can be done.a lot means a going to jonker walk with yang mahirah and others.having christmas hi-tea at concorde sepang with family.and i'm off to langkawi tomorrow with my aunties.although this is the first time in my life i didn't follow other family members to go to sarawak for holiday but never mind.i'll go to langkawi. i love my practical.i love everyone there.and definitely gonna miss them.working from 9.30 to 5.a great experiences gained.a lot of drugs learned.but i haven't completed my log book yet.owh dillydallying again! i'm waiting for the course registration to open.then i'm off to emak's school to get my jeans.yesterday i packed my stuffs to spend a few nigths at pedas and in langkawi.after isya' i realize i didn't bring any jeans and i have 2 long pants for sle...

weekend again and again

hello there saturday and sunday is here again.and i'm blogging from pedas through my new white small and cute little broadband.he's doing very good today and i even get the best speed here in far so little cousins have been watching cartoons since morning and i have to watch it too.poor wan because she can't watch her favourite worries wan because all the kids are going back to kuching next monday and you'll have the entire day for you to watch the television. i can say that i enjoy my life lately except i'm allergic to something that i think the most probably is my pillow,carpets and affect my face and some part of the first i thought it is the acne but it is not actually.i don't know what to do and maybe tomorrow i need to clean up my messy room and do some vacuuming and rearranging.maybe so packing too. talking about my result.alhamdulillah although my gpa is decreasing but still it is above 3.0 and my cgpa above...


hello there its December already and i'm gonna start my new semester on the 4th january 2010.another few weeks to spend at home.practical at pharmacy really helps me to memorize some drugs and learn new things.but i can't describe the tiredness in me every time i come back from the first week i can't stand to walk around and stand for a very long time.but in the second week its getting better. my precious saturday and sunday is i understand why people really appreciate a day off from work.its the only time when you don't have to spend so much time outside.relaxing yourself at home and no early morning wake up.and i even have some time to blog.i haven't completed my log book yet.really want to do it every night but then by 10.30 i'll fall asleep i front of the television already.but i promise to myself that i'll finish it before the new semester start. my result will be out on the 10th december.i really hope i don't have to repeat any pap...