hello there
saturday and sunday is here again.and i'm blogging from pedas through my new white small and cute little broadband.he's doing very good today and i even get the best speed here in pedas.so far so good.my little cousins have been watching cartoons since morning and i have to watch it too.poor wan because she can't watch her favourite shows.no worries wan because all the kids are going back to kuching next monday and you'll have the entire day for you to watch the television.
i can say that i enjoy my life lately except i'm allergic to something that i think the most probably is my pillow,carpets and comforter.it affect my face and some part of the body.at first i thought it is the acne but it is not actually.i don't know what to do and maybe tomorrow i need to clean up my messy room and do some vacuuming and rearranging.maybe so packing too.
talking about my result.alhamdulillah although my gpa is decreasing but still it is above 3.0 and my cgpa above 3.0 also.and i passed all the paper.alhamdulillah.despite all the problems and silly emotional disturbances still my result is okay but maybe i can do better without all those shitty things.forget the past.the present is here.
ah,its already monday and i've not posted this entry yet.i've suffering from diarrhea last night.nearly 24 hours i didn't eat anything because i'm afraid i have to make a frequent visit to the toilet again.slowly i drink warm water and then soya bean.hopefully my stomach is okay by now.tonight i want to finish my report for the first week of practical.so after coming back from langkawi i can print it out and give it to my preceptor.
my preceptor ask me to help them at the store with the stocks and extend my practical for another 10 days.it is not a big deal except i'm off to langkawi next week so maybe after my trip then i can help them at the store.insyAllah.
the electricity is not here suddenly so maybe i shall take a nap while waiting for the rain to stop.another 3 more days to go and then i'll enjoy my holiday.have a good day mate!