بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
"Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang"
So, I think you know where I am right now kan?
The place where I never ever imagine I will stay. Will work here. Will be all alone here except friends around me. It is definitely not a good news to receive especially when you're half awake after your night call shift in the middle of Deepavali week. I read through WhatsApp.
I cried.
Yes, I cried.
Why me? There are thousands of pharmacist in Malaysia but why me?
But, I believe in the power of Doa. I believe everything happen for a reason.
If you are the lucky one like me, don't cry. It won't solve your problem.
Let me tell you what to do, okay?
1. Discuss with your parents whether they've any problem with the Arahan Pertukaran. Don't discuss with your girlfriends or boyfriends or even bestfriends, they will definitely suruh appeal punya! :P Make a correct decision whether to appeal or not. They are two probabilities (open your add math book) either they will layan your appeal letter or they'll throw it away. For me, if your parents stay alone in the house and no one to look for them then appeal. Your parents should be your priority and not the extra allowances that you'll get here. But, if they okay with the Arahan then proceed. Stay strong!
2. Go and see your Pembantu Tadbir (PT) and get Surat from KKM for that Arahan Pertukaran. Keep a copy for yourself because you'll need it everywhere. I am in a different situation where my perjawatan is in Hospital Tampin and my training in Hospital Seremban. So, it is a little (a lot!) bit difficult for me to travel here and there.
3. Your hospital will prepare Surat Lapor Diri for you. Or in some cases you can ask them or they'll prepare Surat Penangguhan for you. Make sure you have these three documents every time you want to uruskan your pertukaran ke Sabah.
4. Pay a visit to your Bahagian Kewangan and look for the person in charge of flight ticket and kontena. Ask that person what documents she (usually the person in charge is a woman,so I use she) needs to process for the flight ticket and whether you can buy first-claim later or they'll buy it for you. For the kontena, as a pegawai then we entitled for 1.84m cubic size kontena. She will ask you to find three quotations so they can issue out a LPO for it. For us ( me & Aishah) we call this number because this company is registered with Kementerian and the person in charge is negotiable (don't negotiate the price la tapi). Try to call this number; 012 337 6985 En Shaharil (Amove Freight). Don't worry I'll not receive any commission from him. I just want to ease your process to Sabah.
5. Follow up with your Bahagian Kewangan. If they buy the flight ticket for you clarify with them the time and date and about the kontena. Don't assume that they'll be so rajin to call you and remind you about everything. As someone told me, you are not PRP anymore where people feed you with everything. One more thing, if they refused to buy your flight ticket show them Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan 2010 that stated Pejabat Lama must pay for flight ticket and pengangkutan barang-barang ke kediaman baru. In my case, I'm having problem with my kontena since they don't have any budget to pay for my kontena. I even met with the pengarah hospital but she can't do anything with it. So, I decided to bring my car early next year when they have their budget. (However, my parents are super duper caring & loving and they definitely understand her daughter 1280 km away from them. They're sending my little NCP next week. Only Allah tahu how much I miss them)
I shall take my power nap now.
Will continue to write later.
If you or your friends need help in Sabah give me a call or email me izzatizaki@gmail.com
insyAllah will try my best to help
till we meet again.
take care.
lots of love,