بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
"Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang"
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
This in an advance post for my one year anniversary in Sabah. Since I'll be in Pantai Timur this end of November, I decided to post this earlier.
saya sentiasa percaya dengan perancangan Allah. apa pun terjadi. apa pun berlaku pasti ada hikmah.
ada banyak 'kalau' jika kita nak persoalkan tapi siapa kita kan?
Allah yang Maha Besar. bukan kita bukan siapa-siapa.
terlalu banyak Sabah mengajar saya menghargai setiap saat Allah beri udara.
terlalu banyak Sabah mengajar saya erti sebenar kehidupan susah payah mencari makan.
terlalu banyak Sabah mengajar saya pahit manis kehidupan bila jauh daripada keluarga.
terlalu banyak Sabah mengajar saya siapa kawan siapa lawan.
perjalanan dalam kehidupan tak pernah berhenti selagi nyawa yang Allah beri pinjam masih ada.
sama seperti menuntut ilmu.bukan sampai negara China malah jauh lagi sekarang.
november 2012
my first waran udara
december 2012
our first trip to Keningau
alhamdulillah. managed to climb though i didn't reach the low's peak.
super duper sejuk here, try lah!
once climbed, I can't stop looking for the mount.
january 2013
trip to Klias River with colleague
my first trip back home
first time doing passive on-call.see the mess?
february 2013
Ijat & Hajar birthday celebration at Manis-Manis Resort. No phone reception at all here.
Chinese New Year 2013 celebration at Jabatan Farmasi HQE II
our trip to Bohey Dulang
little boy climb up the coconut tree at Pulau Sibuan
sunrise at Pulau Mabul
march 2013
zahirah & irman solemnization
zah & irman wedding reception
i decided to come back home flying with Malindo Air for the first time and we decided to go to Fraser's Hill
april 2013
tanjung simpang mengayau, kudat
a very special island with white beach, pantai kelambu
partner in crime dekat Sabah
may 2013
home for the election
roof top of Nak Hotel, Sandakan
waiting for the sunset at Nak Hotel
cause I miss the fun at home then i decided to buy last minute ticket
june 2013
program transformasi minda 6/13
groupmate super duper cool and awesome
PRP life thought us something that no one can take it from us
and, you know how much i miss this time of the year?
and will always miss everyone!
best friend's engagement!
july 2013
biostatistic & research methodology workshop, pusat jantung sarawak
best friend come over to sabah!
august 2013
annual family gathering
teman bergaduh sepanjang masa
best friends! 12 years and counting.
trip to penang
the owl museum
september 2013
my third research paper but first one represent an institution
delegates from HQE II
best friend paling susah hendak jumpa
housemate's son. can't believe she is a mother now.
attending nad and am reception at kuala sungai baru with kakaks
september birthday celebration.
my first branula inserted after 23 years born.see the redness and swelling?
and, thank you Allah for the little family of friends here in Sabah
happy birthday, me!
october 2013
our first cousin wedding!
my super duper lovely auntie.another cousin's wedding
tamu besar at Kota Belud
first research paper presentation and alhamdulillah
november 2013
the kids too scared to hold the snake so here we go
bongek tak ada padi. so this kid is too happy when she saw the paddy field
and part of my little family here in Sabah
12 months here and I learnt a lot. dunno whether I'll be able to get the same experience elsewhere.
sebab itu kena percaya setiap ketentuan Allah tu ada hikmahnya.
kalau tanya sekarang pun masih tak percaya.
its been a year and too many things happened.
someone text me and asked, "bila nak minta balik?"
tak semudah tu nak balik. emak abah tak panggil balik. nak kata calon suami pun tak ada lagi apatah pula perancangan nak kahwin. memang belum sampai masa Allah nak hantar balik ke semenanjung duduk bawah ketiak emak abah lagi. hantar duduk jauh. belajar berdikari. belajar uruskan kewangan sendiri. belajar uruskan masalah sendiri.
friends are getting married. friends gave birth.
congratulations everyone! trying my best to attend your wedding invitations tapi kadang-kala doa sahaja dapat dikirim. it is not that easy to go back selalu. so please jangan kecil hati kalau yang kawan yang duduk 1013 batu jauhnya ni tak dapat hadir majlis bersejarah kawan-kawan lain.
2014 coming and i'm excited for next year.
can see few important pending tasks waiting but never mind i've another big agenda next year, insyAllah.
received best friends' wedding invitations almost every month next year. february,march and april.
insyAllah semoga Allah mudahkan urusan tahun kedua di Sabah.
insyAllah semoga Allah murahkan rezeki tahun kedua di Sabah.
Happy Anniversary, sayang!
with love,