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Why I love this place?

Oh, wow!
Tak ada post langsung in 2015. Not good.
Never mind, sempena genap tiga tahun dekat Sabah, I decided to write something about here.
My life. My work. And everything.
Sorry for the broken English like how my research mates always said "our England not good".

I knew that feeling bila dapat tahu kena lapor diri dekat Sabah.
Nak drama lagi rasa dunia kelam seketika. Nafas terhenti.
Oh, come on adik. Sabah tu bukan dekat Kutub Selatan saaaaana.
2 jam 30 minit sampai KL dah, inshAllah kalau tak delay.
Berat hati. Seberat bontot yang dah lama tak pergi jogging tu.
Tapi, go and talk to your senior pharmacist. Bukan your colleague yang akan keep on pushing you down sebab diorang dapat dekat dengan rumah.
Now, its your time to make your own decision. Not your colleague.
Kalau tak ada apa-apa masalah atau halangan, pergi saja lah. Untung-untung lapor diri dapat Kota Kinabalu. Lagi untung dapat jauh sikit.

Dulu mula-mula datang, dalam hati dah hajat,
"duduk sini paling lama 2 tahun. lepas tu nak balik"
Hahaha. Berangan tu free tak apa.
Eh, ni bukan nak takutkan yang datang sini susah nak balik. Tak.
2 tahun tu KPF bagi syarat baru dia nak sign borang transfer.
Katanya tak ada reason yang kukuh. Sekarang dah sign tapi macam ikhlas tak ikhlas gitu. Dengan pengganti. Adik-adik datanglah sini, kesian kami nak balik. Tapi tu baru stage 1.
Kalau korang dah kahwin, ada reason lain ke inshAllah dipermudahkan.
Jangan risau.

I want to tell you this. This place is awesome!
Siapa rasa nak jadi awesome datanglah sini. Timbalah ilmu sebanyak mungkin.
Bila orang tanya, bila nak balik? "I badly want to go back because of my parents. But, I love it here sebab learning opportunities banyak dekat sini"

Sabah berjaya merubah saya.

I used to procrastinate things. A lot of thingssssssss.
So, few months after lapor diri, boss tanya nak buat research tak.
I said I can try to do it. Tu pun tak confident. Tapi bila fikir, I need something to kill my free time here. Tak kan every weekend nak balik pulak kan.
Prepare proposal. Buat itu, buat ini. Part paling malas Literature Review.
Tak payah nak geleng-geleng kepala.
Adik-adik baru buat FYP pun malas kan?
Sampailah dalam satu email between boss, me and Dr.Liew (cardiologist), he wrote there NATO.
No Action Talk Only.
Bahasa budak-budak sekarang, dia akan cakap SENTAP.
Memang sentap.
And, I realized. Bila kita berurusan dengan orang, respect their time. Dia bukan berurusan dengan kita je, entah dengan berapa ratus orang lagi. Entah berapa ribu email lagi dia nak kena reply.
After that, I take things and datelines more seriously. No joke. No stupid reasons.
Unless, your laptop update sendiri and you lost all the documents.
Then, I got no choice till I need to postpone my presentation.

If you are willing to learn, you are going up, up, and above.
You'll never go down the drain with knowledge.
Research brought me to few conferences. I met with awesome people. Received comments from different background of people. You gonna realize that different people see things differently.
I'm not good at it. I hate people comments initially.
I cannot accept critics. I'm scared cause I believed that I'm not as good as other people.
But, later you'll appreciate it. Every single words they said, will make you a better person.
I should thank everyone, yang sedar tak sedar, they pushed me until this level of achievement.

Did someone told you that people in Sabah are super duper nice?
No one tear the prescription in front of me for the past 3 years.
Maybe other colleague ada lah kali tapi I never encountered that,
which during my PRP life I saw 2 patients did that in front of the counter.
No worries, they don't eat people here. Bilang sama mama kamu, urang Sabah ni okay bah.
Urang Sabah suka karaoke lagi. Itu suara jangan berani la kamu mau lawan.
Level Adira sama Stacy suda. Kau nangis la tepi stage pegang botol jadi microfon. 
And, 1Malaysia? They've been practicing that concept loooooong time ago.
Come here and you'll truly enjoy the environment and the beautiful people.
Sumandak ramai bah sini untung buli kasi kenal sama mama jadi menantu.

I learned that asking is important.
Ask. Ask. Ask.
Cause some people love to assume than to ask.
Even so-called-boyfriend yang dah 17 tahun 2 bulan kenal sampai mak abah buat macam anak sendiri tu pun kau tak pernah nak tanya betul ke dia nak kahwin dengan kau? Assume je dia nak kahwin, maka kau pun setia lah pada dia. Lepas tu bila kau tergerak hati nak tanya, dia cakap memang dia nak kahwin tapi dengan kawan sama belajar memandu kenal 2 hari lepas. Kau nak sentap? Tak valid sebab kau hanya assume, tak pernah tanya.
Dan, andai kata kau dihujani dengan sejuta cerita-cerita yang negatif about someone, kau ada 2 pilihan.
  1. Ignore cerita tu. Nak lagi best kau ignore je sekali orang yang cerita tu. Dah habit dia kot.
  2. Tanya sendiri orang yang diburukkan tu betul atau tak. Tapi ayat kasi cover sikit kang dia sentap pulak. Tapi jangan tambah gula garam kasi sedap, tak baik.
Kalau kau pilih untuk percaya 125.6% apa orang lain cerita, tu terpulang. Hak sendiri kan.
My mistake, I was easily influenced by people from their stories. Perhaps, I was born with that.
Never mind, I learn things the hard way. Harder than before.
Lessons learned.

Public announcement. Jangan cakap I tak bagitahu you pulak.
I moved house twice. Salah. 3 kali. Address baru? PM sis lah. Miscall pun boleh.
Chill lah. Jangan nak jeling sebelah mata apasal budak ni nak kena pindah rumah banyak kali.
Bila dah kerja ni, masing-masing nak privacy. Kang ada roommate nak gayut telefon cakap sweet-sweet tak kan nak kena tutup dengan bantal?
Mak abah, angah tak ada calon suami lagi, so I didn't practice this. Don't worry.
And, ada one time kau akan rasa yang,
"oh, dah sampai masa aku berpindah" hahaha. sila berterima kasih bila kau rasa perasaan tu nanti.
So, pindahlah bila dah sampai seru. Tak ada rugi apa. Penat je lah nak angkut barang.
Tu pun kalau barang kau sebanyak 5 tan.

In working life, competition is everywhere.
Hahaha. You'll never know and will never realized who is keeping grudge with you.
Be extra careful with people.
Watch-out whatever you tell them. Whatever stories you told them. Whatever comments that you have.
Cause, you never know how they are going to twist the stories make it sounds more interesting and in the end, your stories will kill you. Killing you softly.
Kau akan cakap, childish gila budak ni. Put yourself in that situation lepas tu bagitau balik childish ke tak. Nak tau gak apa rasa dia. Oren ke lemon ke? Atau rasa espresso ekstrak kopi arabica tanpa gula? 
Sometimes, certain things better keep it to yourself. Atau cerita pada Allah.
Dia Maha mendengar.

Not everyone who decided to keep quite means they are guilty.
Probably, that is the best way to stop the stories from circulating.
To stop the rumors.

Times up.
Esok Isnin, so jangan berangan nak bangun bila matahari dah tinggi.
Banyak sangat nak cakap pasal Sabah ni.
Ni baru pasal kerja. Belum pasal pergi jalan lagi.
Tak habis tulis sampai ke pagi nanti.
Tunggu lah ada mood extra boleh la tambah-tambah cerita.
Sudahlah berhutang 1 post untuk si kawan sama 1 post untuk Siem Reap.

InshAllah ada masa ada kesempatan,
kita jumpa lagi.
Ingat 24434
(tak payah gelak. dulu sekolah tulis surat cinta la konon mesti ada tu kan?)

lots of love,


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