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weekend at home

hello people

have been very busy lately.seriously busy until don't have time for myself to write here.always wonder when will all these things stop and let me enjoy the time 24 hours.a lot of things to update here.i am currently at home.spending my weekend here and gonna have lots of durian and bakings of two favorite past times activities.

i took my new glass yesterday.but kind of regret for not buying the expensive lenses because it looks like i am used to the multicoated one but the normal one seems weird.why la i am always making the wrong decision.

finished two test this week and one test has been postponed to next week.but i am sad with the result.i have been studying hard but other people who does not even finish reading their notes can score better than me.i don't know how to explain it to myself and just try to ignore it.someone please explain to make my heart feels good again.

last sunday,we enter the cheer leading competition.although it is short but at least every one cheer for us.and i am glad that we look great!

got to go now.we are going out tonight.yes yes yes.
take care people and i love you!


hai dear...
kita membaca, kita mncari ilmu..bkn semata2 untuk jawab exam kan..bkn sekadar untuk lulus biarlah pembacaan kt tu akan terus melekat di fikiran dan praktikkan..x semestinya kt x blh score dlm exam..bermakna apa yang kt baca itu satu kerugian..mgkin ilmu yg kt baca itu dapt memnbntu urusan lain kelak...think positive...
dear betty
alo2 mungkin tak dapat score kali ni, tapi dapat berkat lebih. ha, kan lagi seronok gitu... :D
betty jgn risau ye, God work things out the best we couldn't even imagine..

salam sayang

p/s: nak durian! + betty jd cheer leader?? goss please~
izzati said…
cik hana,
thanks for the advices =)
durian dah habis okay ptg td.lmbt sgt ckp.hehe.
oops no more cheer leader.rasa dah tua sgt nk bercheer lagi ni hehehe
Ala... awat tak haba awai2, kempunan sekejap. huhuuhu. Takpe lah, minggu ni aku pula balik rumah. :D Sampai2 rumah pulak terus ke Rompin Pahang, kenduri sepupu. Melaramlah Cik Kiah.. haha. Betty comot sejak bila join cheerleading nih? Tak pernah nampak pun gambar2 beliau buat cheers...
izzati said…
haha..wah2 melaram x igt dunia okay cik hana sorg ni..ini kes x de kerja okay join cheer.aritu kelam kabut x sempat amik gmbr pun.ade kot yg amik tp x upload.ur specs mcm mata lalat.ngehehe

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