hello people
tuesday and wednesday is another holiday for my class.because the hospital attachment is not here yet so here we are spending our past time on the bed or going out to watch a movie or back at home to grab few things.everyone has their own work to do and so do i.yesterday i just stay in the house.watch private practice.gossiping and do the case study.and finally the case study's nightmare is over and tonight i'll start writing my daily report.
i met my supervisor just now and i need to think about what kind of research i want to do.should i choose the H1N1 or self-medication or whatever come across my mind.i really need an idea to do all these things and the due date is friday *sigh* maybe cik mashani can help me to choose and give me a piece of her idea.thats what a mentor always does i think.
have been staying alone in this room since yesterday.pretty boring and too quiet for me.but never mind.life always like this.just learn and try to accept things as what they are.
i think i need a clear definition of FRIEND and the rules and regulations between a friend.can someone help me with that?