officially my home-quarantine finally ended yesterday.
i went to pasar malam,ambil pulasan,pick up my sister.yeay!
i'll skipped class tomorrow cause im going back to my new campus in puncak alam which is so far away from everybody and very difficult to go there on definitely very sure gonna have trouble to go back there unless i asked someone to pick me somewhere.actually this semester i planned to come back regularly cause my friends are here and i want to spend some weekend with i cant plan anything now unless i've been there and know what to do and where to go and how to get is getting more complicated.
this morning the plan is to pack my stuffs and throw away all unwanted the afternoon will go to tampin and buy stocks for next 2 weeks maybe.owh and i planned to bake a cake and make some spaghetti for my friends.depends on my mood laa.seems like i've lots of plans but dont know which one i want to do first.perhaps i might stuck in front of laptop and watched korean movies.haha.still have time tomorrow to pack things.the procrastination begins.
have a good day people.take care and eat well okay?