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but here but there

im hungry and i eat but i feel nothing

i think im tired and i sleep but i wake up a minute later

im having backache and shoulderache and
i rest but it still painful

my lymph node is swollen and im not comfortable with it

i want to pack my things but i cant find the boxes

i want to sleep but i havent finish reading my notes yet

im too tired for anything

i ne
ed you

and i dont want to get sick.


Hariry Ariffin said…

maybe stress je tu. :)
izzati said…
stress dengann exam mcm ni lah jdnye..:D
ammar said…
Kne begok ke?
izzati said…
err.bkn beguk rasanya.sbb die kecik je.a few days biasa nnt die hilang.kalo die suka nnt die bengkak la blk..huhu
~fiOnAbEE~ said…
infectious mononucleosis! Epstein Barr Virus!





izzati said…
future doc ni ada je application die..hehe..i hope its only stress la.nothing serious la..and wake up and find out mr.sore throat is knocking on the door.haiyaa..
ammar said…
penyakit pe tu?
izzati said…
kene tny bakal doktor penyakit ape tu..sbnrnye mahu ckp pasal swollen lymph glands je.hehe

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